Tag: Anthology

Summer Love Anthology

A whole book of stories about summer time love. I have to say that I am super excited to read this anthology. Plus all of the authors in this anthology are new to me so I’m doubly excited to find some new favorites. One of the authors, S.J. Martin, stops by for an interview where he tells us a bit more on where the story came from. After the interview, be sure to read all about the book and an excerpt from one of the stories as well. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win one of five copies of the book or a giftcard.

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Writing Updates and Upcoming Releases

Yup. You read that right. Releases. As in more than one! It’s been a while since I did an update on my writing and what I’m working on. Been so busy working on it I forgot to get everyone excited about it! Now I have three projects to update you on and two are releases. Can you feel my excitement from where you’re sitting? Because it’s pretty exciting from where I am! So you know you should probably at least scroll all the way to the bottom of the post and enter the contest. Who doesn’t love free books?

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Chestnuts Roasting Anthology

It’s that time of year everyone. The time when it’s entirely too cold outside for this Southern girl’s liking. The time when people start spending more time with families. And the time when all of the amazing winter and holiday themes stories start coming out. This Mischief Corner anthology, Chestnuts Roasting, will be out Thanksgiving morning. Just in time for you to have something exciting to read when you are too full to move and actually do something. I had a chance to interview one of the authors from the Mischief Corner anthology and it was fun having Freddy MacKay answer. After the interview read all about the books, and an excerpt from Freddy’s story in the anthology. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win one of two prize packs; $25.00 gift card (choice of Amazon or ARe) and a choice of Tote or Mug from the MCB Redbubble store (choice of graphic); or $5.00 gift card (choice of Amazon or ARe) and choice of sticker from the MCB Redbubble store.

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Friday August 15, 2014; The Day The Game Changed

Posted in: Book Updates

Friday started out like every other Friday for the past year. I took my daughter to school, ran some errands, tried to get enough things done before the weekend so I could spend the most amount of time with my family, and managed to hurt myself doing something extremely klutzy (falling UP the stairs if you can’t survive not knowing how).

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Midnight Rodeo Anthology

When I first heard about the premise of this anthology, I froze in place because the idea was so good that I was amazed no one had done it before. Then I got excited because I HAD to read it. Especially with a team like BA Tortuga, Julia Talbot and Kiernan Kelly, I knew it would be good. I had the pleasure of interviewing BA Tortuga and boy was it fun! After the interview you can read all about the book, and enter the giveaway for an e-book copy of the anthology!

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Secrets of Neverwood Anthology

I am excited to have the authors from the Secrets of Neverwood anthology here today. This story is all based around guys from the same foster mom. I had one of the authors here previously, G.B. Lindsey, and you can check out the information here on that tour. But if you haven’t checked out this anthology I suggest you do. It sounds so good and I love that all of the stories are connected with shared pasts. See all of the details of this anthology and at the very bottom you can win an e-copy of all the stories in the anthology.

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G.B. Lindsey’s One Door Closes

I get the pleasure to interview G.B. Lindsey today about her latest book One Door Closes. If you haven’t checked out the book yet then I suggest that you do. It’s part of a wonderful anthology and is sure to be something you’ll enjoy. After the interview you can read all about the book. Plus at the very bottom is a giveaway for an e-copy of the book and an Amazon gift card!

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