Tag: Kayla Jameth

Kayla Jameth’s A Spartan Love Release Day Book Blast

Two days in a row of Kayla? Why yes there is! If you missed the exclusive excerpt from yesterday read it here. But the book is out now so you can go get your copy. I’m excited to read this book since I enjoy books about ancient times. Read all about the book below and enter for a chance to win a free short story at the very bottom.

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Kayla Jameth’s A Spartan Love

I know it’s Sunday and you’re probably still all cozy in bed and not wanting to get up. But that’s ok! You can read today’s blog from the comfort of bed. You’ll be glad you did. I have an excerpt from Kayla Jameth’s latest book A Spartan Love that you will not be able to find anywhere else. PLUS I have a bonus scene that isn’t in the book. You can only read the scene here! That’s two exclusives in one place (how did I get so lucky?!). Be sure to enter for a chance to win an ARe gift card at the very bottom of the page.

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