Tag: Vicktor Alexander

MLR Press Presents Storming Love: Blizzard

If you’re not familiar with MLR Press’ disaster books, then you should definitely check them out. This set, half are out and the rest coming in the next few weeks, is the second set of disaster love stories. I enjoyed the first ones, and all of the ones in this set I’ve read so far have been good. With six different couples to choose from, there’s bound to be a story for everyone. Enjoy finding a new story to read!

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Vicktor Alexander’s Groom Of Convenience

If you haven’t read Vicktor Alexander’s Groom Of Convenience yet, go and buy it. Now. Because it is an amazing book. You will thank me when you’re done reading. I was able to talk with Vicktor today about everything that went into the creation of this book, the world, and the series. Don’t skip it because you’ll understand a bit better where Vicktor was coming from with the book. After the interview, read all about this amazing book along with an excerpt that will make you want to keep reading. at the very end enter for a chance to win a gift card!

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Vicktor Alexander’s The Alpha King

You know when I get the chance to interview Vicktor Alexander fun times will be had. Today I pulled out all the stops and asked him the tough questions. Because you all wanted to know what his super hero name would be. After the interview read all about this great book, especially the excerpt. It’s going to make you shout for more. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win an Amazon giftcard.

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Vicktor Alexander’s Groom Of Convenience Cover Reveal

Posted in: Cover Reveal

For those of you that don’t know, Vicktor Alexander is an amazing author. He also hosts Write On The Edge that I co-host for. His new book, Groom Of Convenience, is coming out next month and sounds amazing! Today I have the pleasure of revealing the cover. The cover is so well done and beautifully drawn. Then you read the blurb and immediately realize you have to read the book right now. After the amazing cover, read all about the book and an excerpt that you won’t want to miss. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win a copy of the book and a Groom Of Convenience wedding gift bag! Without further ado, I give you Groom Of Convenience by Vicktor Alexander.

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