J. Johanis’ Dream God
I’m so excited for Dream God by J. Johanis to come out! It’s the sequel to Claimed By The Order and I cannot wait to read it. The first book was dark and all kinds of sexy dark romantic goodness. If you enjoy those kinds of books with dubious consent, secret sex societies, and Gods and Goddesses I highly suggest you check out this series. Dream God comes out at the end of the month but you can read all about the book here today! At the very bottom enter for a chance to win a gift card and an e-copy of the first book in the series, Claimed By The Order.
Amanda C. Stone: Good morning! I am so excited to have you here today. Give us an interesting fun fact or a few about your book or series.
J. Johanis: The S-Gods series is the before and after story revolving around the great flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh. I wrote book four first and then decided there needed to be a prequel. So books one through three is what I came up with for the prequel.
ACS: Book one was fabulous so I will definitely be reading Dream God when it comes out. How did you come up with the title of your book?
JJ: I named Dream God after the main character, Aya, but I usually do a lot of brainstorming before I come up with a title that I like.
ACS: Aya was an interesting character. I love that we get to see more of him this time around. Have you ever given one of your characters the personality of someone you know?
JJ: I don’t think I’ve ever made any of my characters an exact replica of a person I’ve met. However some of my characters have attributes from people I know or they will have the same struggle or plight.
ACS: Now I want to know which struggles are original and which were ones someone you know went through. What do you think makes a good story?
JJ: I like a story that can make me feel something. I want to cry, be scared, or even be angry. If I’m really feeling it, then the book is a win for me.
ACS: Yes! Feelings are so important in writing! What does your family think of your writing?
JJ: I don’t really share my writing with my family. My one family member who has helped me in the past with beta reading unfortunately has no interest in m/m.
ACS: Shame you can’t share that love with your family. At least you’ve got a family that will help with beta reading some. Thank you so much for stopping by! I loved having you!
For the first time in three years, Aya is finally free, but with his freedom comes the pain of all he’s lost. Seeing Akad and Marduk together makes him realize how badly he has messed up. By betraying Marduk, he ruined his chance with the one god he desires more than anything.
Aya needs time to heal and put his world back together, but the trial against the Order looms over him. As the trial begins, Akad, Marduk, and Aya are ensnared in a web of jealousy, backstabbing, and cut-throat politics. Were they crazy to think they could stand up to the Order? If the gods of the Order can still rip their lives apart, their chances of receiving justice may be next to impossible. But if they fail to bring the Order down, Aya may never be free from their grasp.
Content Advisory: M/M sex, polyamory, & dub-con.
A moment later, the fierce god Anshar appeared from an adjoining room. Feeling small in his presence, Aya lowered his eyes and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. When the black-bearded god stopped before him, color flushed into Aya’s face. Anshar inspected him from head to toe, and Aya became acutely aware of how he was dressed. With his long white skirt, kohl lined eyes, and straight black hair flowing down his back, he probably looked more feminine than most goddesses. He’d never appeared before the gods dressed in this manner, but this was who he was.
Anshar ran a hand over his full beard, his lips curling into a sneer. Aya folded his arms over his bare chest and took a deep breath. He wished he could escape Anshar’s scrutiny.
“You’re going to your hearing dressed like this?” Anshar gestured to Aya’s skirt.
“This is how I dressed before the Order took me. I only wore a tunic because Seth forced me to do so. He forbade me from lining my eyes with kohl and never let me dress how I liked.”
Anshar stared at Aya for a moment longer, his expression skeptical, then shrugged. “Very well. Do as you like, but before we go, I must warn you that the hearing will be held in Siren’s temple. Her powers are intense and can be felt well before you stand before her. For older gods, her powers act like a strong aphrodisiac. We are able to take being in her presence. However, for younger, weaker gods, her powers inflict overwhelming arousal. It will be so severe that you won’t be able to function in her presence. You’ll be paralyzed with desire that will cut into you like a knife until it’s alleviated.”
Aya furrowed his brow. “But… I’ve never desired a goddess. I’ve only been with gods.”
Anshar smirked. “It doesn’t matter whether you desire gods or goddesses. She emanates lust, and it will be too much for you to handle. The only way to counter it is with sex. So, before you are presented to her, I’m going to have to fuck you.”
“What?” The color drained from Aya’s face. The idea of this fierce bearded god driving his cock into him made Aya’s hole contract and his knees go weak. The thought of Anshar coming inside him made him feel like he was going to piss.
“No, I…” Aya couldn’t breathe. He shook his head, taking a step backward. He couldn’t allow Anshar to touch him in that way. Aya’s arousal unsettled him, and he suddenly felt like he was going to be sick. Akad’s father couldn’t fuck him. He couldn’t.
As Anshar watched Aya’s retreat, anger flickered into his dark eyes. “Aya, I have no desire to fuck you, but we have no choice about the matter. If I don’t do it, you won’t be able to stand before Siren, let alone speak to her.”
“But I … My servant can do it.”
“Your servant is a mortal!” Anshar snapped, his jaw tense. “His semen will do nothing for you. You’ll need to be fucked by a god! Furthermore, I wasn’t asking for permission. I’m telling you what’s going to happen. Now, follow me and I don’t want to hear another word of protest.”
Anshar stormed out of the room, but Aya felt too weak to follow. How could he let this god fuck him? Tears came to his eyes. Too many gods had bent him to their will. He wanted it all to be over. He wanted to give his body to whom he chose and no one else. Aya took a deep breath. He was faint. All the blood had drained from his head, and he wavered, grabbing a chair to steady himself.
Aya shook his head, doing his best to gather his courage. He had to be strong to get through this. Once the trial was over, he could start over. His body would be his own once again. Testifying against the Order was the only way he could gain his freedom once and for all. Aya finally made his feet move, and he followed Anshar out.
About J.:
J. Johanis writes dark m/m erotic fantasy, and enjoys plots that are historical or myth-based.
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