Month: July 2015
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Jessie G’s Their Reason

Posted in: Blog Tour

I’m so excited to have Jessie G back on my blog for the latest in her Sizzling Miami series. Their Reason is a sequel to For A Reason and should definitely be read in order. However this series is one you want to pick up. I’ve loved all the books in this series I’ve read so far. Read all about the book, plus at the very bottom there’s a special giveaway that benefits the Trevor Project.

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Charlotte Ashe’s The Sidhe

As soon as I received the information about The Sidhe by Charlotte Ashe in my email, I knew I had to read it! From the beautiful cover to the fabulous premise, this is a book that I am going to devour and love every minute of it. Charlotte stops by for a super fun interview that I hope you enjoy reading as much as I did asking the questions. Afterwards, read all about this fantastic story, and an excerpt that makes you want to know how Brieden handles his feelings for the sidhe he sees. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win an Interlude Press gift card or one of five copies of the book.

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Havan Fellows’ Syncronous Seductions

If you haven’t read a book by Havan Fellows yet, you should. Go look up her books and buy one. There is truly a book for everyone. While you’re checking out all of Havan’s books, you definitely want to see Synchronous Seductions, a set of three books in one. You can also read an excerpt you won’t find anywhere else. Check out the rest of the stops on the tour to read all of the exclusive excerpts. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win an ARe gift card.

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Felice Stevens’ Beyond The Surface Cover Reveal

I absolutely love being able to be a part of the cover reveal for Felice Stevens’ book, Beyond the Surface. The cover is beautiful! The book doesn’t come out until August, but I can’t wait to read it! It sounds so wonderful. A firefighter and a fashion designer? Sign me up for that! Read all about this book that I am highly anticipating, and an excerpt that will break your heart. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win a copy of the book. Without further ado, I give you Beyond the Surface by Felice Stevens.

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Brynn Stein’s What No One Else Can Hear

Brynn Stein’s What No One Else Can Hear releases today and I’ve got my copy ready for me to read. It sounds like it’s going to be filled with emotion, and will be a book you won’t want to put down. I hope everyone enjoys this book as much as I will. Plus the cover is absolutely beautiful! Read all about the book, plus an excerpt that leaves you wanting to know more. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win an autographed copy of the book or one of two e-copies.

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Andrea Dalling’s Tempting Jordan

This book sounds absolutely full of emotion. I can’t wait to read it and find out if it’s as good as I think it is! Tempting Jordan is out now and you can grab yourself a copy to find out too. Read all about the book here, plus an excerpt that is so full of tension and will leave you wanting to know what happens next. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win a copy of the book.

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Skye Jones’ Claimed By Desire

The first book in this series was so good. I’m very excited to read Claimed by Desire. The lovely Skye Jones joins me today for a super fun interview where I ask all of the hard questions. Most importantly, what cocktails she’d drink on a date with Jane Austen! After you read all of the fun we had, check out all of the details about the book and an excerpt that makes you want to know what happens next! At the very bottom enter for a chance to win a gift card or one of two copies of the book.

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Pat Henshaw’s Redesigning Max

Pat Henshaw is back with the second book in her Foothills Pride series. Redesigning Max can be read standalone and comes out next week. The first book in the series was so good, I can’t wait to read this one! Read all about the book below and an excerpt that is so rich in detail you can see what Fredi is describing. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win one of three Starbucks gift cards.

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Lane Hayes’ The Right Time

I love having Lane Hayes join me on my blog. She stops by today to give us a bonus scene for her latest release, The Right Time. It’s the third book in her Right and Wrong series. I loved the first two books and can’t wait for time to read this one. After you read Lane’s wonderful scene, read all about the book and an excerpt that is filled with tension of the best kind. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win a gift card and a copy of the book.

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Kayla Bashe’s Graveyard Sparrow

When I read the blurb for this book I knew I had to read it. Right away! If you enjoy historicals, F/F, or lesbian fiction, then Graveyard Sparrow by Kayla Bashe sounds like it is the book for you! Read all about the book here, plus an excerpt that will make you want to know what happens next and if they are able to solve the mystery that unfolds. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win a copy of the book.

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