Tag: Fiction
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Heloise West’s If I Were Fire

I’m so excited to have Heloise West as my guest today. She stops by for a fabulously fun interview that you don’t want to miss. Her latest book If I Were Fire is out now and I know you don’t want to miss it. It’s under 100 pages so it’s short enough for you to enjoy in one sitting, but there’s still plenty of story to get lost in. After the interview, read all about the book and an excerpt that will leave you wanting more. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win one of three copies of the book.

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Max Vos’ My Hero: The Olympian

Posted in: Blog Tour

If you haven’t read Max Vos’ My Hero books you absolutely need to! The second book in the series, My Hero: The Olympian, is out now and you don’t want to miss it. Max stops by today with a guest post all about the inspiration for the story, and a little background. Definitely check out what he has to say, and then read all about the book. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win a copy of both books in the series.

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Jessie G’s Safety In Numbers

I’m so excited to have Jessie G on my blog today with her latest book Safety in Numbers. She stops by for an interview that I loved doing. She tells a bit more about where her love of writing comes from, plus you get to learn who her favorite characters are. I may be starting a campaign for the book that she oh so casually mentions in the interview but I’ll let you decide if it sounds as great as it does to me. Read all about the book afterwards, and an excerpt you will love! At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win an Amazon gift card or one of two signed paperback copies of the book.

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J. Johanis’ Dream God

I’m so excited for Dream God by J. Johanis to come out! It’s the sequel to Claimed By The Order and I cannot wait to read it. The first book was dark and all kinds of sexy dark romantic goodness. If you enjoy those kinds of books with dubious consent, secret sex societies, and Gods and Goddesses I highly suggest you check out this series. Dream God comes out at the end of the month but you can read all about the book here today! At the very bottom enter for a chance to win a gift card and an e-copy of the first book in the series, Claimed By The Order.

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C. Zampa’s Candy G – Roots

I have the pleasure of having C. Zampa stopping by today. If you haven’t read her book Candy G – Roots, you absolutely need to! She joins me for an interview where she tells us a bit about her writing process. Of course I also had to throw in a fun question at the end since that’s how I like to do things. Check out the great answers she gave, then read all about the book along with an excerpt that will make you want to find out what happens next. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win an Amazon gift card.

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Anna Butler’s Heart Scarab

I’m quite excited to have Anna Butler here today. She stops by to share her newest book Heart Scarab, and I convinced her to stay for an interview as well. You’ll definitely want to check out her answers. They’re all kinds of fun. Then you can read all about the book and an excerpt that is all kinds of sexy. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win a copy of her novella, FlashWired on every stop to one random commentator, Amazon gift card, Heart Scarab Kindle or iPad cover or Gyrfalcon iPad cover.

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A.M. Arthur’s The World As He Sees It

I am a huge fan of A.M. Arthur’s books. If you haven’t read one by her you absolutely must. Her newest book, The World As He Sees It, is out now and I cannot wait to read it! It’s the second book in her Perspectives series, but can be read standalone. I loved the first book and am so glad Tristan and Gabe get their story! Today she joins me for an interview and I worked extra hard not to fan girl all over her. Though it was immensely difficult. Afterwards, read all about the book and an excerpt that will leave you wanting more. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win a huge prize basket filled with some pretty exciting things.

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C.B. Lee’s Seven Tears At High Tide

I’ve got a brand new author joining me today and her debut book, Seven Tears at High Tide, sounds absolutely wonderful. I’ve got my copy and I cannot wait to read it. She stops by for an interview where tells us a bit more about her book and some of her goals. After the wonderful interview, read all about the book including an excerpt you that will make you want to keep reading. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win a an Interlude Press gift card or one of five copies of the book.

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Lane Hayes’ Better Than Safe

Posted in: Blog Tour

I’m so happy to have Lane Hayes join me today. She stops by for a super fun interview that I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed asking. After the fun, read all about her latest book, Better Than Safe the fourth in the Better Than series. Be sure to read the excerpt, you don’t want to miss it! At the very bottom enter for a chance to win a gift card to either Amazon, ARe or Dreamspinner Press.

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Chris McHart’s Small Steps

This book sounds amazing! I seriously cannot wait to read Chris McHart’s newest book, Small Steps. I have my copy and am just waiting for some free time to hide away so I can read it. Today she stops by with her advice about writing. It sounds amazingly simple, but at the same time, it’s harder than it looks. After her great advice, read all about this book I am excited to read, along with an excerpt that makes you want to read what happens next. At the very bottom of the page, enter for a chance to win a paperback copy of the book.

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