Month: December 2015

Heloise West’s If I Were Fire

I’m so excited to have Heloise West as my guest today. She stops by for a fabulously fun interview that you don’t want to miss. Her latest book If I Were Fire is out now and I know you don’t want to miss it. It’s under 100 pages so it’s short enough for you to enjoy in one sitting, but there’s still plenty of story to get lost in. After the interview, read all about the book and an excerpt that will leave you wanting more. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win one of three copies of the book.

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Max Vos’ My Hero: The Olympian

Posted in: Blog Tour

If you haven’t read Max Vos’ My Hero books you absolutely need to! The second book in the series, My Hero: The Olympian, is out now and you don’t want to miss it. Max stops by today with a guest post all about the inspiration for the story, and a little background. Definitely check out what he has to say, and then read all about the book. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win a copy of both books in the series.

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