Silvia Violet’s If Wishes Were Horses
As a huge Silvia Violet fan I am super excited to host her today on my blog. Her brand new book If Wishes Were Horses is out now and I can’t wait to read it. If you haven’t read anything by Silvia Violet yet, I highly recommend that you do. Plus she’s a North Carolinian like me so that makes her doubly awesome. After the interview you can read all about the book. At the very bottom is also a giveaway for a $25 Amazon giftcard!
Amanda C. Stone: Good morning! I am so excited you could join me to Silvia. So you write in multiple genres. What’s your favorite to write in?
Silvia Violet: It’s hard for me to choose because I love different aspects of everything I write, but I’ll go with paranormal. I enjoy thinking about how my characters would act in their human and animal forms and creating the worlds where shapeshifters live alongside humans.
ACS: I enjoy reading your paranormal books so it’s great that you enjoy writing them. Are your internet searches for research going to get you on a watch list somewhere? Is it fun doing research into illegal things like drug running
SV: They just might get me watched. It is fascinating to find out how law enforcement officials conduct their investigations and for this book and another series (Unexpected) that I’m working on, I read a very intriguing book about the FBI and learned a lot.
ACS: Hopefully when the FBI knocks on your door you can use your knowledge to get out of the inevitable arrest! What is the craziest (smuttiest, seediest, etc) thing you’ve ever had to research for a book?
SV: Double penetration for my Fitting In series.
ACS: I have to say those scenes are some of my favorites. I bet the research was fun to watch. Now for the fun questions! If there were a movie about your life, who would you want to play you? It can be anyone alive or dead.
SV: My first thought was Scarlett Johansson because I’m just a little bit in love with her, but I don’t think I’m badass enough for her so I’m going with Maureen O’Hara.
ACS: I had to look up Maureen O’Hara. I’ve seen many of her movies and she is a great actress. Last question. If you were a candy bar, how would you taste?
SV: Like a Snickers – chocolately sweet with smooth caramel and enough nuttiness to provide interest.
ACS: I love snickers. They are so yummy. Thank you again for stopping by today. I loved getting a chance to interview you!
Now read all about the book.
If Wishes Were Horses
By Silvia Violet
Kenneth Carver had everything growing up except warmth and acceptance. When protecting his family’s name became more than he could bear, he came out as gay, sold his company, and bought a horse ranch.
Andrew Wofford’s last undercover assignment nearly cost him his sanity. Now he has another chance of catching the drug runner who killed one of his informants and then escaped, but gruesome flashbacks threaten his ability to function in the field.
Andy’s latest investigation sends him to Ken’s ranch where he poses as a ranch hand. Ken is a prime suspect, but Andy refuses to believe Ken is guilty, in part because Andy is falling for him. Ken knows Andy isn’t who he seems, but he can’t bring himself to push the man away. When Ken hears rumors that someone is using his land to move drugs out of the city, he worries that it’s Andy. Neither man can trust the other even though that’s exactly what their hearts tell them to do.
About Silvia:
Silvia Violet writes erotic romance in a variety of genres including paranormal, contemporary, sci fi, and historical. She can be found haunting coffee shops looking for the darkest, strongest cup of coffee she can find. Once equipped with the needed fuel, she can happily sit for hours pounding away at her laptop. Silvia typically leaves home disguised as a suburban stay-at-home-mom, and other coffee shop patrons tend to ask her hilarious questions like “Do you write children’s books?” She loves watching the looks on their faces when they learn what she’s actually up to. When not writing, Silvia enjoys baking sinfully delicious treats, exploring new styles of cooking, and reading to her incorrigible offspring. Website:
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Tour Stops:
May 19: MM Good Books, Top2Bottom, Prism Book Alliance
May 20: Kimi-Chan, Mrs. Condit & Friends, Dawn’s Reading Nook
May 21: Havan Fellows, My Fiction Nook, Parker Williams
May 22: Angel Martinez, Lee Brazil
May 23: Love Bytes, Amanda C. Stone
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