
G.B. Lindsey’s One Door Closes

I get the pleasure to interview G.B. Lindsey today about her latest book One Door Closes. If you haven’t checked out the book yet then I suggest that you do. It’s part of a wonderful anthology and is sure to be something you’ll enjoy. After the interview you can read all about the book. Plus at the very bottom is a giveaway for an e-copy of the book and an Amazon gift card!

Amanda C. Stone: Thank you so much for joining me today! I wanted to know, was it hard for you to work on a story with a shared background of other stories you hadn’t read before? Or did all of the authors in the anthology communicate as you wrote your stories to make sure things were the same throughout?
G.B. Lindsey: It had its challenges. I’ve had unsavory experiences co-writing the same story with someone else before, but this was a rather nice experience because, while we were working in the same universe, we each had full charge of one particular novel in the series. I think I had it easier because my book came first, so if I needed to make a change, the others had to scramble a bit more to incorporate it. But yes, we did communicate as we wrote, and we spent a long time beforehand just chatting, developing the three story lines together, getting to know each other’s characters, making sure we could each work within the whole… It was surprisingly symbiotic! Our ideas really fit together well, sometimes seamlessly, and there were a few times when we filled in each other’s holes accidentally. I love it when that happens. It means the themes are strong.
ACS: It’s a shame you had a bad experience before but it sounds like this kind of made up for it! Did you enjoy getting to write about guys doing sexy construction type stuff?
GBL: God, yes. *laughs* Though now I’m kind of wishing there had been more opportunity for that. There’s really only one or two scenes if you squint. But yeah. I can cross my fingers and pray for fanfic that talks about that one time when Will came over and hammered something right outside Cal’s room for an hour while wearing a sweaty white t-shirt.
ACS: Mmm, sweaty white t-shirts… Wait! Where was I? Oh yeah, interview. So now I have some fun questions. If you could travel anywhere all expenses paid where would you go? Name one thing you’d see or do there.
GBL: I’d really like to see Istanbul, and I’d like a chance to visit Jerusalem. The mix of religions and cultures in both cities just fascinates me, and I’m a huge fan of ancient architecture. If I didn’t love writing so much, I would have been a historian for sure. Can I just say the European continent, though? Because the idea of spending a good long time in Norway, where my father’s family comes from, makes me salivate. I’d love to go back to the UK again (I went to school there and it’s where my mother’s family is from), live in London or up in Scotland, see Wales. One of the coolest experiences I ever had was up in Newcastle upon Tyne celebrating the 1500th anniversary of the Romans leaving the British Isles. That’s the kind of anniversary that many Americans have trouble even contemplating. I’d visit a ton of castles, wander through cathedral after cathedral, study up on Arthurian legend and the War of the Roses, and just try to immerse myself in all those centuries. And while I did that, I’d write about it. Of course.
ACS: I would love to be able to live in Europe for a few years and see all of the amazing things there. If you could be famous/infamous for one thing, what would you choose?
GBL: Hmm. Let’s go with famous because infamy doesn’t sound as comfortable… I’d love to be a major part of mainstreaming non-heterosexual relationships in modern media. We’re on our way, but there’s still a good distance to go. I’d like to write a book that gets noticed around the world specifically for the boundaries it pushes in the societal norms department. In fact, let’s go ahead and get that book banned somewhere. That would entertain me greatly. Thing is, you can’t write with those kinds of goals in mind, I feel. That’s the kind of thing that sneaks up on you as you write what you feel passionate about, and then all of a sudden, whoops, you’re on a reading list somewhere and high schoolers are glaring at your picture on the cover.
ACS: I agree it seems like when a book gets banned somewhere it gets all kinds of attention. But you’re right, you can write with that goal in mind. What a fun way to be famous though. You are on a deserted island and can have only one book with you. What book would it be?
GBL: I have to choose one? Eeesh.
ACS: Yeah, I know. Only one. Seems more like torture than anything. But it’s the name of the game *laughs*
GBL: Okay. Watership Down by Richard Adams. I’ve already read it more than once, and it’s the kind of story I can go back to, ponder endlessly, and re-experience as my outlook on life and myself changes. It has so much to offer, just the right mix of dark and heartwarming, eerie and empathetic. Amazing characters, gripping plot. Plus, beautiful writing!
ACS: I love Watership Down. Such an amazing book. I could get by with that book only for sure. Thank you so much for joining me today! It was a pleasure having you here. Now read all about the book!

Years ago, Calvin Ware found a refuge in Neverwood, a home for wayward boys. Now, following the death of his foster mother Audrey, he’s returned to fulfill her request to restore the decrepit Victorian mansion to its former purpose.

Under the threat of repossession, Cal clashes with his foster brothers over restoration plans while fending off the unscrupulous developer who is breathing down his neck. Audrey’s well-meaning presence in his dreams does more harm than good as he struggles to cope with it all. What’s more, the contractor he hires to get the building up to code turns out to be Will Cabot, his high school flame.

As they begin working together, Cal finds he still has feelings for his first love. But his mistakes of years ago threaten their future, just as they ruined their past, and Cal knows he can’t withstand the heartbreak a second time.

Three foster brothers are called home to Neverwood, the stately Pacific Northwest mansion of their youth. They have nothing in common but a promise to Audrey, the woman they all called mother…

About G.B.:
G. B. Lindsey was born and raised in California, where she earned her undergraduate degree in Literature and Creative Writing from UC Santa Cruz. Her first love has always been writing: as a child, she cultivated such diverse goals as becoming “a cowgirl and a writer” or “a paleontologist and a writer.”

Aside from her salacious and ongoing affair with the horror genre, she loves to write sci-fi, romance, historical fiction, and short stories. Other hobbies include playing the piano, reading voraciously, the occasional period drama movie night, and devouring scary film after scary film. She recently moved back home from Newcastle upon Tyne, where she earned her Master of Arts in Creative Writing, and now lives in Sacramento.
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Additionally, I have an audio recording of me reading the first ten minutes of the book.

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Tour Stops:
June 23: Jade Crystal, My Fiction Nook, The Hat Party
June 24: Kimi-Chan, Amanda C. Stone
June 25: Prism Book Alliance, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
June 26: Cate Ashwood, Parker Williams
June 27: MM Good Books, Crystal’s Many Reviewers
June 28: The Blogger Girls

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