
CJane Elliott’s Aidan’s Journey

I’m so excited to have CJane back on my blog again today. Aidan’s Journey is out now and I truly can’t wait to read it. I had the chance to interview CJane and we had a blast with it. You won’t want to skip the interview. After, be sure to read all about the book; including an excerpt that makes you want to keep reading. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win an eBook of one of her previous titles, including novel Serpentine Walls, or novellas.

Amanda C. Stone: I’m so excited for you to join me today. I have a whole bunch of fun questions to ask.
CJane Elliott: Hi, Amanda! Thanks so much for having me on your blog to talk about Aidan’s Journey (and myself).
ACS: If you could have any crazy talent (rolling your tongue, saying the alphabet backwards, fun things) what would you want your talent to be? Or if you already have a crazy talent, what is it?
CJE: A crazy talent, huh? I’m kind of mad you mentioned rolling my tongue, because I could never master that one and my sisters always lorded it over me that they could. I have extremely double-jointed fingers, however, and can bend them backwards so far that most people shudder at the sight. Does that qualify?
ACS: I can roll my tongue but I would gladly trade you to be able to bend my fingers too far backwards! If you could be famous/infamous for one thing, what would you choose?
CJE: Hmm, seeing what celebrities/famous people have to put up with, I’m not all that eager to be famous, much less infamous. But if I were, I’d be happy if it was because I’d written a best-selling novel or two!
ACS: Being remembered for your books would be wonderful! You’re going to a naughty costume party, what do you go as?
CJE: That’s easy: I have a Cleopatra costume that’s quite form-fitting and naughty. It also has this cool beaded headpiece (wig? Hairpiece? It’s strands that hang down like hair but are made of beads).
ACS: That headpiece sounds amazing. It also sounds heavy too. If you could travel anywhere all expenses paid where would you go? Name one thing you’d see or do there.
CJE: Italy, because I’ve never been and always wanted to go. I’d go to Florence and see great art and architecture and to Venice and ride in a gondola. And, of course, I’d eat pasta wherever I went.
ACS: I’m so crashing your trip to Italy. You picked some of the highlights of what I want to do there. Last question! Anyone can buy the rights to name a star. What would you name a star bought for you?
CJE: Twinkle-toes, because I love to dance!
ACS: I love that name! Thank you so much for joining me today. I loved having you.

The star of the University of Virginia theater department, Aidan Emery is lusted after and admired for living out and proud. He uses his talent and good looks to his advantage and never sleeps with the same guy twice. But his glamorous patina has been carefully honed to hide the pain he carries inside.

Aidan wasn’t always such a player. He starts college naively romantic, hungry for the attention he can’t get from his workaholic father and mentally ill mother. Unfortunately, that leaves him ripe pickings for predatory professor Rodney Montgomery. Rodney’s flattering regard seduces Aidan into a dysfunctional relationship that destroys his innocence.

Life looks up for Aidan when he finally breaks free of Rodney’s pull and moves to New York City to make it as an actor. Meeting sweet fellow actor Patrick Jaymes seems like the start of a fairy tale. But before Aidan can rebuild his life into happily ever after, family secrets rip him wide open, leaving him easy prey when Rodney decides he’s not willing to let Aidan go.

Every good story begins with a journey. Mine started on a June day in 2011 as the Amtrak train pulled out of Union Station in Washington, DC. Lee and I were bound for New York City, ready to dazzle ’em all with our acting and singing chops. Look out, Broadway, here come Aidan Emery and Lee Dunlap, the stars of the U.Va. drama department! Jazz hands!

I was leaving my family home—which I’d recently been kicked out of by my father. I was also leaving behind a long-term, toxic relationship. Yes! I felt pretty fucking victorious sitting on that train, talking and laughing with Lee. I’d done it! Left my past behind! Right? I was sure, with all the surety of a twenty-one-year-old, that my dragons had been slain and New York City was where the gold awaited.

Not so fast there, bucko, I want to tell myself now. You’ll get to the gold, but you have many more hard roads to travel before you arrive. Oh, but don’t despair—there is a Prince Charming at the end of it all.

About CJane:
After years of hearing characters chatting away in her head, CJane Elliott finally decided to put them on paper and hasn’t looked back since. A psychotherapist by training, CJane enjoys writing sexy, passionate stories that also explore the human psyche. CJane has traveled all over North America for work and her characters are travelers, too, traveling down into their own depths to find what they need to get to the happy ending.

CJane is an ardent supporter of gay equality and is particularly fond of coming out stories.

In her spare time, CJane can be found dancing, listening to music, or watching old movies. Her husband and son support her writing habit by staying out of the way when they see her hunched over, staring intensely at her laptop.

You can contact CJane at Her website is Twitter: and Facebook:

Buy Links:
Dreamspinner Press Paperback:
Dreamspinner Press eBook:

Tour Stops:
October 14: Love Bytes
October 15: Amanda C. Stone
October 16: MM Good Book Reviews
October 17: Wicked Faeries Reviews
October 20: Tara Lain, Michael Mandrake
October 21: Parker Williams, Multitasking Mommas
October 22: Cate Ashwood
October 23: Inked Rainbow Reads, It’s Raining Men
October 24: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
October 27: Rebecca Cohen Writes, BFD Book Blog, Smoocher’s Voice
October 28: Prism Book Alliance, Jade Crystal

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  1. Ashley E says:

    I went to Myrtle Beach this summer with my family and that was amazing. Just so relaxing…

  2. Lisa G says:

    My honeymoon to Tahiti – best trip ever!

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