Tag: Avril Ashton

Avril Ashton’s So Far Gone

Posted in: Blog Tour

I’m very excited to have Avril Ashton back here with me today. Her latest book So Far Gone is out now and you won’t want to miss it. I read it recently and I just couldn’t put it down. I had the chance to interview Avril and it was a blast! After the interview you can read all about the book, plus an excerpt that I know you won’t want to miss. At the very bottom you will find details on how to enter for a chance to win an e-copy of the book.

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Avril Ashton’s So Far Gone Cover Reveal

Posted in: Cover Reveal

I can’t even tell you guys how excited I am to have Avril Ashton on my blog today. I screamed out loud like the fangirl I am! She is here to reveal the cover of her amazing book So Far Gone that releases August 1st. The cover is absolutely beautiful. I know you’ll like it as much as I did. Below you’ll also get the excerpt for this book and it made me want to read it right away. Without further ado, I give you So Far Gone by Avril Ashton.

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