Liz Borino’s No Time For Secrets
I’m so excited to have Liz Borino back on my blog today. She was here before talking about her book Secrets In The Air and you can read the interview here. Today she’s back with the sequel No Time For Secrets. I’ve read the book and it’s so good. You don’t have to read the first book to enjoy the second book, but they’re both amazing. I asked her to write a short little scene for me and you are going to enjoy it. It’s got Mike and Will from No Flag meeting up with Kaden and Rhett from Secrets In The Air/No Time For Secrets. You can only read this scene here and it is the only place you will ever see these characters together, so enjoy! There are spoilers for the book in this scene so don’t read it if you don’t want to spoil the book a little bit. Be sure to read all about the book and an excerpt that I know you’ll love.