Tag: Piper Vaughn

Piper Vaughn and Kenzie Cade’s Prickly Business Cover Reveal

I cannot wait for you guys to see this cover! I also cannot wait to read this book. Two wonderful authors team up to bring a shifter story that seems more than the normal shifter story. Plus one of the characters loves shoes as much as I do. After you see the amazing cover, read all about the book. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win a copy of the book when it comes out and a  giftcard. Without furthe ado, I give you Prickly Business by Piper Vaughn and Kenzie Cade.

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Piper Vaughn’s Hook Line & Sinker Cover Reveal

I’m in love with this cover. No idea why, but boy is it sexy. Of course after I read the blurb for Hook, Line, & Sinker I wanted to read it right away. Sadly I have to wait just like everyone else. After seeing the wonderful cover, be sure to read all about the book and an excerpt that will have you hating that it ends. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win a copy of the book when it comes out and a gift card to either Amazon or ARe. Without further ado, I give you Hook, Line, & Sinker by Piper Vaughn.

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