Tag: Alexis Duran

Alexis Duran’s Betwixt and Between

Posted in: Book Blast

Fantasy books are what I grew up reading. So they have a special place in my heart when I find one that I know I’m going to enjoy. Especially when there’s romance as well. Alexis Duran’s newest book, Betwixt and Between, sound wonderful. I’m very excited to read it. Plus, with a title like that, it’s just gotta be fun. Read all about the book, plus an excerpt that will make you want more. At the very bottom, enter for a chance to win a Loose ID gift card.

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Alexis Duran’s Blood Of Salar

Blood of Salar sounds like an amazing book. It’s the second book in the Masters and Mages series and I can’t wait to read both of these. I got a chance to sit down with Alexis and ask some fun questions so be sure to read the interview. Read all about the book and an excerpt that will leave you wanting more. At the very bottom enter for a chance to win a copy of the first book in the series, Touch of Salar, and a gift card.

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